Books at Indonesian Presbyterian Church Randwick

Total: 50 unique titles
  Title Total    
Setting Hearts on Fire: A Guide to Giving Evangelistic Talks
Setting Hearts on Fire: A Guide to Giving Evangelistic Talks
- John Chapman
2 Own Wish
The Reason for God
The Reason for God
- Timothy Keller
2 Own Wish
A Hunger for God: Desiring God through Fasting and Prayer
A Hunger for God: Desiring God through Fasting and Prayer
- John Piper
1 Own Wish
Getting Through the Tough Stuff: It's Always Something!
Getting Through the Tough Stuff: It's Always Something!
- Charles R. Swindoll
1 Own Wish
Leading Better Bible Studies: Essential Skills for Effective Small Groups
Leading Better Bible Studies: Essential Skills for Effective Small Groups
- Karen Morris, Rod Morris
1 Own Wish
Battling Unbelief: Defeating Sin with Superior Pleasure
Battling Unbelief: Defeating Sin with Superior Pleasure
- John Piper
1 Own Wish
Made For His Pleasure: Ten Benchmarks of a Vital Faith
Made For His Pleasure: Ten Benchmarks of a Vital Faith
- Alistair Begg
1 Own Wish
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism
- (unknown)
1 Own Wish
Humility: True Greatness
Humility: True Greatness
- C. J. Mahaney
1 Own Wish
A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards (Library of Religious Biography Series)
A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards (Library of Religious Biography Series)
- George M. Marsden
1 Own Wish
The Cross of Christ
The Cross of Christ
- John R. W. Stott
1 Own Wish
Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain
Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain
- William M. Struthers
1 Own Wish
God's Big Picture: Tracing the Story-Line of the Bible
God's Big Picture: Tracing the Story-Line of the Bible
- Vaughan Roberts
1 Own Wish
When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While We Wait for God--and Joy
When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While We Wait for God--and Joy
- John Piper
1 Own Wish
This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence
This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence
- John Piper
1 Own Wish
Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship
Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship
- Joshua Harris
1 Own Wish
Mere Christianity
Mere Christianity
- C. S. Lewis
1 Own Wish
The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith
The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith
- Timothy Keller
1 Own Wish
Disciplines of a Godly Woman
Disciplines of a Godly Woman
- Barbara Hughes
1 Own Wish
The Case for Christ
- Lee Strobel
1 Own Wish